Exploring Early Intervention:
An Introduction to Part C Services in North Dakota
Presenter: Jordan Anderson, M.S, SPED, E.C.,N DDHHS
Description: In this session, participants will gain an overview of North Dakota’s Part C services, which provide early intervention for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. We’ll cover eligibility, available services, and how families can access support through a family-centered approach. Whether you’re a provider, parent, or stakeholder, this session will offer valuable insights into the benefits and processes of Part C in fostering children’s growth and development.
This webinar is approved for 1 CEU’s for general, social work (ND Only), & Counselors. To register for CEU’s Scan the QR code that is placed on the top of the flyer or use the link below. For all other registration, scan the QR code on the bottom of the flyer or follow the link on the events page and below.
CEU: https://apps2.ndsu.edu/dce-course-list/classdetails/ClassObj::672
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ksKqH1waQS-AGB4JfzFTfg#/registration