Spring Bouquet

Christ Lutheran Church 502 17th St NW, Minot, ND, United States

The Spring Bouquet features: An Oriental Chicken Salad Luncheon which will be served from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM. It also includes a Silent Auction, Grandma’s Attic, a Craft Sale and a Bake Sale. Coffee and morning coffee treats will be served starting at 9:00.

Maundy Thursday Presentation

Christ Lutheran Church 502 17th St NW, Minot, ND, United States

A unique dramatic presentation of “The Last Supper” will be portrayed at the 7:00 pm evening service on Maundy Thursday, March 28th. Using the Leonardo daVinci painting of the Last Supper as the setting, you will get a glimpse of what each apostle might have...