Why Not Minot?

Our hometown slogan!

The saying that everyone seems to know. The question that also has the answer. Yes, we might be a small town, but we are a town made of big dreamers, go-getters, and fun seekers. We don’t sit around waiting for life to happen – we make it happen.

We take pride in embracing what we have and making it the best. We are resilient. We make something out of nothing and wear it as a badge of honor. Some people sit around and ask, “Why?” – we are a city that asks, “Why Not?”


Life is only as good as you make it.

well, get after it – Why Not?

Why Not?

Fly a kite in Oak Park? – Why Not?
Kayak down the Souris River? – Why Not?
Jam out with the band down at the pub? – Why Not?
Throw axes, eat tacos on the rooftops, dance in the street? – Why Not?
22 inches of snow – go sledding down the biggest hill – Why Not?


Other people say there’s nothing to do around here!

in Minot, we make something to do.

Why This Campaign?

The Why Not Minot campaign was created to remind everyone who we are as a community. To embrace a slogan that says exactly who we are. We don’t sit around asking why we should do a thing… we just get up and do it.

So, You want to go on an adventure and explore all the incredibly unique, crazy-wild-creative things you can do in Minot? Well, the question IS the answer – “Why Not?”



We found a Finnish word and concept that we think just about sums us up.


Strength of will – determination – perseverance