The saying that everyone seems to know. The question that also has the answer. Yes, we might be a small town, but we are a town made of big dreamers, go-getters, and fun seekers. We don’t sit around waiting for life to happen – we make it happen.
We take pride in embracing what we have and making it the best. We are resilient. We make something out of nothing and wear it as a badge of honor. Some people sit around and ask, “Why?” – we are a city that asks, “Why Not?”
Fly a kite in Oak Park? – Why Not?
Kayak down the Souris River? – Why Not?
Jam out with the band down at the pub? – Why Not?
Throw axes, eat tacos on the rooftops, dance in the street? – Why Not?
22 inches of snow – go sledding down the biggest hill – Why Not?
The Why Not Minot campaign was created to remind everyone who we are as a community. To embrace a slogan that says exactly who we are. We don’t sit around asking why we should do a thing… we just get up and do it.
So, You want to go on an adventure and explore all the incredibly unique, crazy-wild-creative things you can do in Minot? Well, the question IS the answer – “Why Not?”
We found a Finnish word and concept that we think just about sums us up.
Strength of will – determination – perseverance